How & Why You Should Revamp Your Closet During this Pandemic — ÀLA.HAUSSE

5 min readFeb 5, 2021


This global pandemic caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus has affected all of our lives in many ways. This includes our personal lives, relationships, education, jobs and careers, and of course our physical, mental, and emotional health. There are many ways people are coping with this “new normal,” one of them is online shopping which has increased significantly since the lockdown.

Sure, not everyone’s main priority are the clothes and shoes in their closets right now. But one thing that this global pandemic has made me realize is how temporary everything is. How temporary human lives are and how temporary these material goods are in our lives.

Another important lesson is to appreciate the things you have: your privileges, your home, the clothes you are wearing, and of course, your health. Some of these privileges, unfortunately, are not universal for everyone so it is important to be grateful for the things you have and own.

Whether you have been shopping nonstop or saving your money, continue reading to learn how ÀLA.HAUSSE can be your resource on reselling, buying, or lending your clothes, while also helping our environment during this global pandemic.

Why Care?

Due to the lockdown, people have been spending more time in their homes than ever before. Whether it be working or studying from home, or spending more time with their families, people are getting tired of being in one room for extensive hours. Others may even feel claustrophobic when they realize how much stuff they own, and how little space they have in their homes. This inspired people to organize their rooms to more closely resemble an office area they can focus in.

While some have cleared out space for a clean background in Zoom meetings, other people have cleared out their closets for a similar reason. I don’t know about you, but I’ve mostly been wearing sweatpants and hoodies for the majority of the lockdown. It has made me question the purpose of owning so many clothes that I barely wear nowadays. This mentality has kept me from buying any new clothes. Also, obviously, because work hours are limited, so we all gotta save up! Desperate times call for desperate measures!

And of course, we know there’s a few or several things lurking in your room that were impulse buys during those crazy sales. The ones you now regret because of buyer’s remorse (which you can read about here!). BUT! You don’t even use it or wear it, so why keep it? Through ÀLA.HAUSSE’s app, you can sell these unnecessary items that are cluttering up your space. It’s a win-win!


Look how much clothes you need to get rid of. Now, look at the people all around the world that are relying on donations. Winter jackets, sweaters, pants, shoes. So many people in the world walk miles and miles without proper protection on their feet. You know that saying “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure?” Yes, even your beat-up Converse sneakers can be seen as treasure by someone else. Any donation can help the needy, especially during these unprecedented times.

Ideas On What You Should Get Rid Of

Go to your closet. Get two laundry baskets and one large garbage bag . The first laundry basket is for clothes you need to keep. Not the ones you want, but the ones you NEED. The necessities that you simply cannot live without. Don’t know what these closet essentials are? Well, lucky for you, we have a list of closet essentials in this blog post! Denim jeans, black boots, a white blouse, and that little black dress, just to name a few. For anything else you have, put it in either the 2nd laundry basket or the garbage bag.

The garbage bag is restricted to stuff you want to donate or give away to friends and family. These are the items that either don’t fit you properly, the items you never had the chance to wear but grew out of, the ones that are not your style anymore, or that big shopping spree during a Black Friday sale you regret. Let these clothes have a 2nd chance at being loved by somebody else out there. They’ll be in better hands rather than collecting dust in the back of your closet.

Remember that 2nd laundry basket that are neither your closet essentials nor the clothes you want to donate? Indeed, this basket is for the stuff that has sentimental value to you. Perhaps it’s a wool sweater your grandmother knitted for you or a matching shirt that both you and your best friend own (despite the many stains it has). Maybe it’s your prom or graduation dress and heels that you only wore once, but you have kept them in perfect condition. Well, I have great news for you, friend!

ÀLA.HAUSSE has a feature in the app for users to be able to rent and lend clothes at a fraction of the retail price. No need to spend $300 on a prom dress you will only wear once. Save your money and just lend it from ÀLA.HAUSSE’s app. Of course ÀLA.HAUSSE is not just limited to renting prom gowns. A suit and tie for the gentleman? We got you! Want a chic new outfit for a girl’s night out? You got it! With the ÀLA.HAUSSE app, you’ll be able to browse through hundreds of selections with a touch of your phone screen! Different sizes, styles, colours, we’ve got you covered.

Via ÀLA.HAUSSE’s Multi-functional and Multi-purposeful Fashion Ecosystem- BUY/SELL/RENT/LEND/ (swap BETA 2021) mobile application, INDIVIDUALS & brands ( BETA 2021) are encouraged to REBUY, RESELL, REUSE and UP-CYCLE their personal “Clossets” aka Clothing Assets, along with overstock inventory and samples. Through this consumerism habit shift we indirectly slow down the urgency on fashion’s carbon footprint, aiding sustainability as a whole.

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Images: Pinterest

Originally published at on February 5, 2021.




Written by ÀLA.HAUSSE

À New Wave to Fashion, À New Way of Living. World’s First Sustainable AI-Powered P2P Multifunctional Fashion Ecosystem, for Me and You. BETA iOS Android SS21

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